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Cover: Critical Perspectives on Cybersecurity

Critical Perspectives on Cybersecurity

Now available! Edited volume (with Anwar Mhajne). Part of the Oxford Studies in Gender and International Relations series.

“Undoubtedly a significant contribution to critical cybersecurity.”Noran Fouad, review for Binding Hook

For more information and to order: Oxford University Press | Amazon

Digital Frontiers in Gender and Security

Now in paperback. Hardcover and ebook now available. Part of the Bristol University Press series on Gender, Sexuality, and Global Politics.

“This nuanced approach is an important contribution to the field of gender and technology studies, as it highlights the need for critical engagement with digital technologies in addressing gender-based violence.” —Serusha Govender, review in International Affairs

For more information and to order: Bristol University Press | Amazon

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Insurgent Women

With Jessica Trisko Darden and Ora Szekely

Published 2019. As featured on BBC’s The Real Story, NPR’s On Point, and the New Books Network and Popular Front Podcasts. #1 new release in War and Peace (Amazon, Jan./Feb. 2019).

“…An important new contribution to the burgeoning research on women's often-overlooked roles in war." — Dara Kay Cohen, Ford Foundation Associate Professor of Public Policy, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

Order at: Georgetown Univ. Press | Amazon

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Why Women Rebel

Now available in paperback! Published 2017.

“Henshaw’s monograph makes significant inroads in closing the gap between the qualitative and quantitative divide in IR…”— Caron E. Gentry, review in International Feminist Journal of Politics.

Order at: Routlege | Amazon